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Phone: 03 547 7045

How we can help 

Is there something stopping you from using your hand, arm or shoulder as you’d like?
We will work with you to achieve  the best possible outcome.

We see people at every age and stage, ranging from acute injuries and new symptoms to gradually developing problems and chronic conditions. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

What we can offer

Common problems we treat include:

  • Fractures (broken bones)

  • Sprains of the finger, wrist, forearm or elbow

  • Rehabilitation, dressing changes and suture removal following surgery

  • Arthritis and other chronic conditions

  • Pregnancy related hand problems

  • Work or occupational injuries

  • Sporting injuries

  • Children’s injuries

Our Fees

If your injury is covered by an active ACC claim and involves the elbow or lower, then your treatment will be free of charge. If you are unsure whether ACC will cover your problem, we can help you find out at your first appointment.

Private consultations
In some cases your problem will not be covered by ACC. You can choose to use private health insurance if you have this or pay privately.

Initial appointment (30 mins): $100
Follow up appointment (30 mins): $80

Not attending appointments
Our therapists allocate their valuable time to see you. If you do not show up to an appointment without giving us at least 2 hours of warning (by either phone or email message) you may be charged a $40 missed appointment fee. 


Get in touch with us today